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Anne Frank House Reopens For Visitors

Anne Frank House Reopens for Visitors

New Safety Measures in Place

The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, Netherlands, has reopened to the public after being closed for several months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The museum has implemented several new safety measures to protect visitors, including limiting the number of people allowed inside at one time, requiring visitors to wear face masks, and providing hand sanitizer throughout the museum.

Tickets Must be Purchased Online

Visitors are now required to purchase tickets online in advance. This helps the museum manage the number of people visiting the museum and ensures that visitors can get a timed entry ticket to avoid crowds. Tickets can be purchased on the Anne Frank House website.

The Anne Frank House is a museum dedicated to the life and work of Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who hid from the Nazis in a secret annex in Amsterdam during World War II. Anne's diary, which she wrote during her time in hiding, has become one of the most widely read books in the world.
