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Refugees Who Are They And Why Do They Flee

Refugees: Who Are They and Why Do They Flee?

Understanding the Refugee Crisis

Defining a Refugee

A refugee is an individual who has been compelled to leave their homeland due to a well-founded fear of persecution, war, or violence. Refugees are forced to flee their countries to seek safety in foreign lands.

The Refugee Status Determination Process

The definition of a refugee establishes the criteria for determining refugee status. This definition serves as the foundation for assessing asylum claims and granting refugee protection.

Historical Perspectives on Refugees

The term "refugee" originated with the establishment of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 1951. The UNHCR was instrumental in resettling approximately one million refugees after World War II.

Addressing the Refugee Crisis

Today, the refugee crisis remains a global issue. Governments, aid agencies, and humanitarian organizations work collaboratively to provide protection, assistance, and resettlement opportunities for refugees fleeing conflict and persecution.
